Pictures from Christmas!
These are all pictures from our trip to stay at the Lillistrand's for Christmas, near Florence. We had an amazing time, renting the apartment next to Agape Italia's country director's apartment! The Lillistrands adopted us as family for those days, letting us participate with them for dinners and even bought us little gifts. It was a terrific experience, having a surrogate family for that time, enjoying and relaxing in the beautiful Tuscan countryside. I have nothing to profound to write, just lots of pictures. Have no fear though, I am working on profound posts...maybe. Hope to share more with yall soon. Enjoy, Happy New Years... and check out . I found him yesterday and think I really enjoy his stuff.
You are supposed to rub his snout for good luck... I thought I would bite it.
The people I got to tour Florence with (Nicole, Joel, Matt, Emily, Me, Amos)
I am proud of taking this picture. That is the only surviving bridge in Florence from WWII
Florence was lovely... good view from Piazza del Michaelangelo
I took the typical holding-up-the-tower picture, but thought I would try to kick it over... and looks like I am booting some old guy in the behind.
It really is quite amazing how much it leans
My surrogate Christmas family (Kanda, Charmaine, Greg, Sara, L, Joel, Sophie, Amos, Ryan, Matt, Debbie, Me)
That vineyard behind me has been producing wine for 1000 years... I was in a cool place for Christmas.
Bilbo the dog was cute, had a great name, and loved me.
Joel's OSU pj's and my OSU santa hat represented well.
Chilling, eating at the Lillistrands... they were amazing.
Sophie is darling (here she is burying Amos in books)
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