Sunday, April 12, 2009

Good Friday to Easter Sunday

I am stealing from another persons blog today. The person who wrote this is the wife of a guy who is a missionary here in Italy and had a stroke recently, and among other things, spent 50 days in the hospital. So she has a right to say what she says. Read it and praise God. HE IS RISEN!

Dear Friends,

"A blessed GOOD Friday to each of you!!

Just wanted to share with you a reflection the Lord gave me this morning in my meditations. Today is what we call in America “Good Friday”. In Italy this day is called “Venerdì Santo” (Holy Friday). I wonder if there are other countries that use the word “good” to describe this significant day. And I wonder when the idea that this day was “good” first came into being. I seriously doubt that anyone who was actually present that day would have called it good. At least not until Sunday. Sunday changed everything. Sunday made Friday “good”.

I have been thinking how “the end” explains “the before”. The Passion of Christ “ended” in the resurrection and ascension which “explained” the crucifixion. His coming again will give further explanation to all that comes before.

Our lives follow the same pattern. The events of “today”, without the commentary of “tomorrow”, are hard to evaluate. Even though these are difficult days for us we feel confident that the end will explain all that has come before. Perhaps that end will only come when we see Jesus face to face, but then we, too, will say it is “good”! And if in the end I will call it “good”, why not now?

1 comment:

Andrew and Lindsey said...

I like this. Thanks Chris! :)