Friday, April 3, 2009

Two Worthwhile Articles

I know, I know, the blog has been languishing (for the few that actually have been faithful to check it out. That is about to change. Spring Break was crazy fun and busy and stressful here in Rome but we saw God do some HUGE things. So over the next couple days, I will be posting stories from that. In the meantime, here are two worthwhile articles to check out:

Cobain and Biggie: How We Misjudge Music - Thoughtful article on music... I especially likes the conclusion; "The only difference is that we have invented new rules for what’s “cool” (this year it seems to be putting odd, “progressive” sounds in your songs and ignoring traditional songwriting structure). I wonder what albums that we’ll listen to in 15 years and realize that they weren’t everything we built them up to be."

Staring into the Abyss: An article that is actually quite frightening. This article synthesizes some of Nietzsche's key ideas on a way that a simple guy like me can understand. Highly recommend checking this out

1 comment:

Chad Pendleton said...


Just wanted to say thanks for mentioning the Cobain/Biggie article. We love the discussion it has started and I just wanted to encourage everyone to check it out and join the conversation.

Keep up the great blog! Your trip to Rome sounds like it was amazing! Take care

grace and peace
Chad from the RELEVANT Crew